You've Got questions, we have answers!
How much is
Parking is free for registered guests, 1 vehicle per guest room.
How far is the
hotel from Monterey Bay Aquarium?
Our hotel is 3.4 mi/5.4 km from Monterey Bay Aquarium.
How far is the
hotel from Monterey Airport?
Our hotel is 1.8 mi/2.9 km from the Monterey Regional Airport.
Do you have a
exercise room or gym at the hotel?
Do you have a
Yes, our outdoor heated pool is available April through October.
Do you have
free breakfast?
No, we don't offer breakfast at the hotel.
Do you have a
restaurant at your hotel?
No, however there are 6 restaurants within 3 blocks of the hotel.
Do you have
free WiFi?
Yes, all guests get free high speed WiFi.
Do you allow
No, however we will accommodate service animals.
Do you have a
laundry facility?
Is the front
desk open 24 hours?
No, the front desk is open 7:00 AM until 11:00 PM daily.
Do you offer
sightseeing tours or activities?
Do you have a
rewards program?